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The CSU Information Security Policy provides direction for managing and protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of CSU information assets. In addition, the policy defines the organizational scope of the CSU information Security Policy.
California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) establishes this Information Security and Privacy Program in compliance with the CSU Information Security Policy, "Establishing an Information Security and Privacy Program." CSUDH recognizes the importance of protecting University technology resources and user data - See CSUDH Information Security and Privacy Policy.
The California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) follows CSU Responsible Use Policy; The CSU Responsible Use Policy ICSUAM 8105.00 provides access to information assets for purposes related to its mission and its responsibilities and necessary activities faculty, students and staff. These resources are vital for the fulfillment of the academic, research, and business needs of the CSU community. This policy defines users (e.g., faculty, staff, students, third parties, etc.) and CSU responsibilities with respect to the use of CSU information assets in conjunction with the CSU Information Security Policy.
Consistent with published CSUDH Information Security and Privacy Policy, CSUDH User Responsible Use Policy, outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Users. This policy is further supported by related IT standards and guidelines that facilitate University compliance with the recommendations, audit requirements, actions, and safeguards necessary to mitigate risks, protect information assets, and user data.
California State University, requires that each campus implement or adopt a program for providing information security training to employees appropriate to their level of access to campus assets- See Information Technology Security Policy and related Guidelines.
The campus information security awareness program must also promote strategies for protecting information assets containing protected data- See CSU Information Security Awareness and Training Requirements.
All employees with access to protected data and information assets must participate in appropriate information security awareness training. When appropriate, information security training must be provided to individuals whose job functions require specialized skill or knowledge in information security.
The undersigned student is being issued a Loaner Device (hereafter referred to as “device”), including the charging adapter, through the Information Technology (IT) Division of California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). Outlined are the Terms and Conditions for TECHNOLOGY LOANER PROGRAM, which is for Currently Enrolled Students for the semester identified within this contract. This Agreement is between the person signing University-Issued Device User Agreement for Students (“You, Your”) and CSUDH, and governs all device loans from CSUDH, Division of Information Technology (IT).
If the device is not operating properly, please notify IT User Services immediately by calling (310) 243-2500, option 1, or via an IT Support Ticket.
The undersigned employee is being issued a University-owned and approved device through the I.T. Device Program. Users are expected to use good judgment and reasonable care to protect and preserve the integrity of CSU equipment, data and software, and access. I understand that I am being issued this device and access to campus data based on the terms of this agreement and my acceptance of the terms and conditions for such use as defined in ICSUAM 8000, including but not limited to the CSU Responsible Use Policy 8105.00.
The undersigned employee accepts responsibility for appropriate device use and data security procedures. No CSU Protected Level 1 data will be stored on the device. The undersigned employee understands this service is a privilege, and failure to follow the all appropriate procedures could result in the revocation of this agreement. For more information, please visit the Security & Compliance campus page.
My initials confirm that I have completed Data Security and FERPA training.*
It is the responsibility of the undersigned employee to take appropriate precautions to prevent damage to or loss/theft of this university-issued device. If this device is lost or stolen, the undersigned agrees to contact the local Police Dept immediately, and file a Police report, send an email to, followed by contacting I.T. User Services at (310) 243-2500, option 1, to report the loss. The undersigned employee agrees to pay all costs associated with the repair/replacement of the device for which the undersigned employee has been responsible.** Should the undersigned employee or the issuing department terminate the service(s), or if he/she transfers to another university department, he/she must return the university-issued device and accessories to the main I.T. office or Human Resources at the time of termination, or prior to department transfer, as part of the separation process outlined by Human Resources.
* Employees who work with student data must first complete DATA SECURITY AND FERPA training before PeopleSoft access is granted. For further information, please visit FERPA for Students. To take this training, please log in to portal and launch CSULearn.
** If I.T. determines that a device has “irreparable damage” or the device is lost/stolen (Police Report Required), employee will be responsible up to and including the full cost of replacement of the device (at its current market value) relating to damage, abandonment or loss, illegal use, missing parts, or failure to return the device. If the device is deemed “damaged but reparable” or the device is under warranty, there will be a deductible and replacement is subject to approval by I.T. All charges are subject to audit and shall be paid within 30 days of the reported damage/loss. If the charge is not paid within 30 days, the employee understands their privilege to receive a replacement University-issued device will be rescinded. If the employee declines/refuses to pay for repair or replacement of the device, I.T. will not be obligated to repair or replace the device, and the employee shall be responsible for damage/loss as part of the separation process outlined by Human Resources.
Zoom has a very strong and professional Acceptable Use Policy that governs all uses of Zoom services. This policy defines the standards Zoom expects its Customers and End Users to adhere to while using Zoom services. Included in this policy is the Reasonable Use information stating that “Zoom provides video conferencing services for business collaboration. Zoom anticipates that customers will use the services in a reasonable manner, given the business purpose. As such, Zoom may limit, suspend or terminate access if an End User’s use exceeds reasonable standards…”
Dropbox is used by millions of people. In exchange, Dropbox trusts their users to use their services responsibly. Dropbox users agree not to misuse the Dropbox services ("Services") or help anyone else to do so. Dropbox Acceptable Use Policy is posted on their website.
Microsoft Acceptable Use Policy identifies activities that you are prohibited from engaging in when using Microsoft Online Services ("Services" or in the case of an individual service, "Service"), which includes any Service that links to this Acceptable Use Policy.
These Terms govern your access to and use of Canvas software, products, and/or services (individually or collectively, the "Products") and any information, content, text, graphics, photos or other materials uploaded, downloaded, purchased, or appearing on or through the Products (collectively referred to as "Content"). Additional terms or product requirements may apply to our individual Products and are available with the relevant Product. These Terms apply to all visitors, users, and others who access and use the Products ("Users").
Use of the Services is subject to this Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP").
If not defined here, capitalized terms have the meaning stated in the applicable contract ("Agreement") between customer, reseller or other authorized user ("You") and Google.
Use of Palo Alto Networks’ WildFire APIs, WildFire threat intelligence (including in the form of data, verdicts, reports, and analysis), and any derivative works based on any WildFire or WildFire-related services (collectively, the “WildFire Technology”) is subject to this Acceptable Use Policy.
These General Terms of Use (“General Terms”), along with any applicable Additional Terms (see section 1.2 (Additional Terms) below) (collectively, the “Terms”) govern your use of and access to our website, customer support, discussion forums or other interactive areas or services, and services such as Creative Cloud (collectively, the “Services”) and software that we include as part of the Services, as well as any applications, including mobile applications, Sample Files and Content Files (defined below), scripts, instruction sets, and related documentation (collectively, the “Software”).
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA is a federal law that applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education
All faculty, staff and students, including temporary employees, student assistants and consultants, must comply with state and federal laws and University policies regarding the access to, and use of, student education records, whether these records are printed or electronic. Maintaining the confidentiality of student education records is everyone's responsibility.
Only those individuals who have been authorized as having a legitimate reason to access student education records can do so. Access to student education records is strictly limited to the specific information and data that is relevant and necessary for those authorized individuals to perform their job-related duties.
Review all the information on this site, presented in the form of a tutorial, to become familiar with the rules governing the handling and release of student education records.
For employees, after completing the tutorial and test, save the Certificate of Completion as PDF and send it to your supervisor who will file it in your official personnel file.
For student assistants, after completing the tutorial and test, save the Certificate of Completion as PDF and send it to your supervisor who will file it in your student personnel file.
For vendors/consultants, after completing the tutorial, save the Certificate of Completion as PDF and send it to your campus sponsor to be included with your contract documents.
A FERPA Certificate of Completion must be renewed every two years. If an applicant does not have a certificate or if the certificate has expired, the request for access to students’ records, or any other administrative system, will not be processed until a new certificate is issued.
Access to grading and class rosters is granted to faculty when the department assigns a course to faculty.
Everyone who has a CSUDH ID account is required to complete a FERPA training. Depending on who you are, you will access FERPA training differently.
For CSUDH faculty, student assistants, and staff, you will complete the FERPA training through CSU Learn. To access CSU Learn, log on to the My CSUDH Portal at MY CSUDH and click on the CSU Learn link under the Quick Launch menu on the left. In CSU Learn, click on Assigned Learning, then click on Data Security and FERPA to begin your training.
Note: For newly hired employees, your CSU Learn account will be created by the Chancellor's Office based on your employment activation date. It will take approximately three days after your start date before you receive an email message from CSU Learn that the Data Security and FERPA training has been assigned to you. If you take the Department of Education's FERPA 101 for Colleges and Universities prior to your employment start date, you are still required to take the Data Security and FERPA training since the CSU Learn training is focused primarily on Data Security with only a small portion focused on the FERPA topic.
For individuals who are not employees (e.g., third-party vendors) or volunteers processed through Human Resources Management, you will complete the FERPA 101 for Colleges and Universities training available on the Department of Education website: FERPA 101: For Colleges & Universities. Once you have completed the training, email your certificate of completion to your CSUDH contact or the contracting department contact at CSUDH.
For questions with problems related to FERPA, ID account, or CSU Learn, contact the IT Help Desk at 310-243-2500 or Open IT ticket.
NSM C-151
Monday-Friday, 8 AM - 6 PM
Monday - Friday,8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - Sunday, 9 AM - 6 PM