To search for classes offered each term, access the Class Search tool directly from the link or if you are on the MyCSUDH page, you can access it from the "Quick Links" menu on the right far-hand side.

Step 1: My Class Search provides search criteria options for classes offered based on:
- term
- session
- course subject
- course number
The "Session" drop down menu will default to "Regular Session" for students searching for classes offered for the regular summer, fall and spring term. However, if you are searching for classes offered through the College of Extended & International Education or Cal State Online classes, you must select the appropriate session from the drop-down menu.
Step 5: There are additional search criteria possibilities. Searches can be performed using a single search criterion or a combination of any of the search criteria. The more criteria you identify in your search, the narrower and the least amount of time required to retrieve your results. You can search by:
- Course Career
- Meeting Start Time
- Meeting End Time
- Day of Week
- Class Number
- Course Attribute
- Course Attribute Value
To access the additional search criteria, click on the arrow followed with instructions of "Click on the arrow to the left for Additional Criteria".

Expanded view of Additional Criteria for searches:

Large Search Results Warning Message
If you perform a search that has a large return of results, you will receive a warning message like the one below.

To avoid performing a large search, Click on
button to return to the search page and add additional criteria. If you Click on
button, the search will continue, but may take some time to retrieve your results.